Friday, August 7, 2015

From "Jezebel" to Justified

In a small Texas town ruled by gossip, Fawn Blaylock believes others are justified in condemning her untimely pregnancy. Stifled by guilt, she yearns for grace while the local football coach treats her with gentle respect.

Justified is the second book in Varina Denman’s Mended Hearts series.  The book takes the reader back to the town of Trapp, Texas and reunites readers with some familiar friends.  Ruthie, Fawn, and the rest of the gang work together to discover that once you are forgiven, you are also justified.

Fawn has a difficult time believing she is worthy of love and forgiveness, whether it be from God or Ruthie’s cousin, JohnScott.  She just knows she has done too many wrong things for her to be cleansed of all wrong.  Her sins are ever before her.  She can’t escape them.  Enter JohnScott, the local high school football coach, who assists Fawn in discovering that she is worth so much more than she could ever dream to him, to God and to herself.

As Fawn and JohnScott grow closer together, she discovers that she is a priceless piece of artwork in the eyes of her Heavenly Father and in the eyes of JohnScott.  She learns to forgive herself and accept the forgiveness that God offers.

Another well written book and a wonderful sequel to her debut work. Varina not  only writes about characters that struggle with everyday life, but characters that embrace their shortcomings and discover their eternal worth in the eyes of the Father.

If you are looking for real characters and a well written story, travel back to Trapp and discover, as Fawn does, that God justifies us.  It is not something we can earn.  She also learns to love herself along the way.

Varina Denman writes stories about the unique struggles women face. She has five children, teaches creative writing and literature, volunteers in her local homeschool cooperative, and boasts sixteen years as a home educator. She resides with her family in North Texas. Her first novel, Jaded, won the 2013 ACFW Genesis Award.
Twitter: @varinadenman

Monday, July 20, 2015


I would like to welcome, Rebecca DeMarino to Ready Set Read.  Welcome, Rebecca could you tell us a little about your new book To Capture Her Heart.

Thank you so much! I am really delighted to be here. Here’s a synopsis of my second novel in The Southold Chronicles: In 1653 Heather Flower, a princess of the Montauk tribe, is celebrating her wedding feast when a rival tribe attacks, killing the groom and kidnapping her. Though her ransom is paid, she is nonetheless bound by her captors and left to die—until she finds herself rescued by handsome Dutch Lieutenant Dirk Van Buren.

Still tender from her loss, Heather Flower begins to heal in the home of Englishman Ben Horton, a longtime friend of her people. But despite Ben’s affectionate attentions, she can’t stop thinking about the handsome Dutchman who saved her from certain death. Can she find peace again among her own people? Or will her growing affection for her rescuer draw her into conflict with everyone she loves? Loyalty or love?

It sounds wonderful.  I can't wait to read it.

1.  How do your faith and spiritual life play into the picture and affect your storytelling?  

 This aspect just amazes me. I always thought I would write contemporary suspense with a touch of romance and a Christian worldview. But when I sat down to write my first novel, it was a historical about my Puritan ancestors! Talk about getting into the thick of things. So while I think there is definitely a message that comes out in my writing, I write to entertain through story and To Capture Her Heart, like book one of The Southold Chronicles, is a love story I hope my readers enjoy. The spiritual thread that touched my heart as I researched the book is that we are all God’s children, no matter who we are or where we came from.

2.  That is a wonderful truth to realize.  What do you consider the greatest moment of your writing/publishing career?   

It was when I watched my dad, Howard Worley, type “The End” for his novel, The Stagecoach Murders. He began writing that book at age 87, because I was writing a novel. He would send me each chapter in a priority envelope as he finished them, and he was amazing me. Then when he was almost finished he required open-heart surgery to replace his aortic valve. Two days later he had a major stroke. His recovery is a whole other story, but I was able to help him type the last four chapters while he dictated, and then we published it through Create Space. Watching him autograph a copy for me was my second greatest moment, followed closely by his book signing at his 90th birthday party. He’s 92 now!

3.  What a great testimony to your relationship with your Dad.  How wonderful to be able to help him in that way.  Who/What spurs you to write? Where do your story and character ideas come from?   

I grew up listening to my mom’s stories about Barnabas Horton, my ninth great-grandfather and how he came across the pond from England on a ship called The Swallow, in the 1600’s. When my brother became interested in genealogy, we discovered there was a lighthouse named after Barnabas, located on Long Island. I asked my mom if she’d like to go there, and off we went. There was a lot of interesting information about Barnabas. He was a baker and a very recent widower with two young sons when he met my ninth great-grandmother, Mary, in Mowsley, England. But I could find very little about her, and I began to wonder about what dreams and motivation she had, and courage she must have possessed when she married and then left her family behind for the wilds of Long Island. A few years later, I began writing my first novel in a quest to give her a voice. While researching that book, A Place in His Heart, I uncovered a nugget of information about a Montaukett woman called Heather Flower. She is said to be the daughter of Grand Sachem Wyandanch, and I wanted to use the tidbit in book one. But the decade did not fit. So I took book two, To Capture Her Heart, up a decade and she became my heroine! The Hortons and Southold provide the backdrop of the story and sweet Ben Horton is all grown up. It was such a fun book to research and write! 

4.  What a great legacy to have.  I know we all have challenges, what was the greatest challenge in writing this book?

After time management (isn’t that a problem for us all?) the greatest challenge is also something I enjoy the most – the research! Though some documents exist such as Barnabas’s will, and some that pertain to his landholdings and tenure as a magistrate, I didn’t have any diaries or letters. And I found many controversies of “facts”. Heather Flower’s existence is an example. Some believe her to be a myth, others say she existed but was not Quashawam. Though that could be frustrating at times, it also afforded some leeway which is nice when you are writing fiction!

5.  The research sounds like a wonderful treasure hunt.  How fun.  Could you share a little bit about yourself. Married with kids? Empty nester? Do you work full-time and write when you can squeeze it in? 

I was born in a car and have been on the move ever since. My dad delivered me, and my sisters can still remember standing in the picture window of our house with the babysitter and Dad holding me up so they could get a glimpse. He was a career Navy pilot and my husband a career officer in the Air Force. I retired as a service director from United Airlines in 2008 and settled in the Pacific Northwest. I’m blessed with three beautiful daughters, eight beautiful grandchildren, and when I married my sweet husband in 2006, he added a charming son and a beautiful daughter and three more beautiful grandchildren to the count. I should say we are empty nesters, with all of those kids happily settled with their own spouses, which give me time to be a fulltime writer! 

6.  It sounds like you have a full quiver.  What a blessing they must be.  So, I know we all interested in what is next for you? 

I just turned in the manuscript for the third book in The Southold Chronicles. It moves up another decade—to 1664—and Patience Terry, the young girl who sailed with the Hortons on The Swallow is my heroine. My working title was Pure Patience and I love her story! And I love the editing phase of a book, so I’m looking forward to that. To Follow Her Heart release next July!

Thank you for joining us, Rebecca.  I look forward to the final installment of your Chronicles.  I hope all is well.  Your work has been a blessing to me. 

Remember to register for the prize pack.  Have a great day!

Rebecca DeMarino writes love, legends and lore as a historical romance author and lives in the beautiful Pacific Northwest. She inherited her love of baking and gardening from her mother, a love of horses, reading and writing from her dad, and the wanderlust gene from both parents. Her travels have taken her from Alaska to Nebraska and Florida, from Long Island to England and Italy, and from Washington DC to Texas, California and Guam. But usually you can find her at home, enjoying her grandchildren and baking crisp little ginger cakes. From Publisher’s Weekly ~ DeMarino's … strong suit is recreating history and relating it to readers. You can also find her at, @RebeccaDeMarino, on Facebook and Pinterest.

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Sunday, July 19, 2015

Sinner or Saint--The Huntess of Thornbeck Forest

The margrave owns the finest hunting grounds for miles around–and Odette Menkels spends her nights poaching his deer to feed the hungry orphans of Thornbeck.  By day, Odette is a single maiden who teaches chidren to read, but by night this young beauty has become the secret lifeline to the poorest of the poor.

For Jorgen Hartman, the margrave’s forester, tracking down a poacher is a duty he is all too willing to perform. Jorgen inherited his post from the man who raised him. . . a man who was murdered at the hands of a poacher.

When Jorgen and Odette meet at the Midsummer festival and share a connection during a dance, neither has any idea that they are already adversaries.

The one man she wants is bound by duty to capture her, the one woman he loves is his cunning target . . . What becomes of a forester who protects a notorious poacher?  What becomes of a poacher when she is finally discovered?

Melanie Dickerson weaves a story to rival that of Robin Hood.  Where a young, eligible and actractive women poaches from the rich to feed the poor.  Odette, from a strong held sense of duty and long remembered past, begins poaching deer in the forbidden forest to feed those that are less fortunate than she.  She is not unaware of the penalties for her actions, but continues to poach, as she believes it is the only way to ensure that the poor are fed.

Jorgen, like Odette, remembers what is it like to be hungry.  While she was rescued by her uncle, Jorgen was rescued and adopted by the previous forester.  Upon the murder of his adoptive father, Jorgen becomes the forester.  He has a great sense of duty and feels the need to prove himself worthy of his post.

When Jorgen finds evidence of poaching, he has to face old hurts and his desire for revenge.  It is not enough for Jorgen to find the poacher, he wants the poacher to pay with his life.

This story is wonderfully told.  Part fairy tale and part adventure story.  Melanie Dickerson has used her amazing gift to craft a wonderful tale that keeps the reader enthralled until the very end.  There were so many questions going through my head, as I continued reading, questions like: What will Jorgen do when he discovers Odette’s secret?  Will he be able to show her mercy or Will his anger at another cloud his judgment?  How will Odette explain her poaching?  And lastly, Will she ever be able to put her bow and arrows away?

Follow me on a great adventure through Thornbeck Forest and discover the answers for yourself.  You will not be disappointed.

The Huntress of Thornbeck Forest was the first of Melanie’s books, which I have read.  I can honestly say it won’t be the last.  This book has put her other books at the top of “To Be Read” pile.  I can’t wait to travel back to the Middle Ages with her again.

Melanie Dickerson is a two-time Christy Award finalist and author of The Healer’s Apprentice, winner of the National Readers Choice Award for Best First Book in 2010, and The Merchant’s Daughter, winner of the 2012 Carol Award.  She spends her time writing romantic medieval stories at her home near Huntsville, Alabama, where she lives with her husband and two daughters.

Tuesday, March 31, 2015



The Zimmerman Restoration Trilogy, Book 2


Alexa Zimmerman wonders if the Old Order Mennonite community in Arborville, Kansas, will ever fully accept her. Her family roots aren't what anyone thought when she first arrived, but she is hopeful that her culinary and hospitality skills will win the skeptics over. The bed-and-breakfast she's operating needs to succeed, so Alexa agrees to allow Briley Forrester, the hotshot reporter from Chicago, to stay as a long-term boarder, not knowing his real motives for being among the Plain folk.

But when Alexa agrees to host her cousin Anna-Grace Braun, the presence of extended family brings out Alexa's insecurities and sets Briley on the trail to uncovering a web of hidden truths.

Plans for a secure future and the sweetness of young romance hang in the balance when Alexa and Anna-Grace have to face the truth that their secrets are interconnected, binding the two in ways they could not have imagined. They must trust in a loving heavenly Father and His plan for their futures.

 In When Grace Sings, Kim has continued the saga of the Zimmerman family and the Arborville community, in which they live. While focusing on the characters of Alexa Zimmerman and Anna-Grace Braun, Kim has shown that in the end, all each of us want is to feel that we belong. Alexa, until recently, had no knowledge that she was adopted, while Anna-Grace has always known of her adopted status. Each, however, has conflicting feelings about her status in her family and the Arborville community. Alexa wants to fit in and be accepted and fears that she never will. Anna-Grace has feelings of rejection, which she had never felt before, until she is faced with moving into the Arborville community. Her fiance has inherited a farm in the Arborville community and Anna-Grace soon follows to determine whether or not she can live there.

Not only are there insecurities within the two main characters, Kim introduces a tabloid reporter, Briley Forrester, that is determined to show the “dark” side of the Plain life. His determination leads him to Arborville to “dig up the dirt” and prove that members of Plain communities are not as “perfect” as everyone believes them to be. He is also determined not to fall victim to his own insecurities.

Steven Brungardt, Anna-Grace's fiance, is waging his own spiritual war. He is determined to be the perfect son. He believes that in doing so, he needs to deny the call God has placed on his heart. Steven struggles with his call and his sense of duty. This struggle leads him to become distant, subdued and somewhat dour.

How can God bring good from all of these situations and will each character find the Grace, which can set them free from their burdens?

Kim Vogel Sawyer is a talented storyteller. She has a way of weaving her stories so that her readers are brought into her books and discover some truths about God, themselves and those around them, while being entertained. In When Grace Sings, she has done so again. Kim has composed a well-written story, which is enhanced by the spiritual struggles each character faces. She weaves a story of struggle and grace that leaves the reader with a desire to know the conclusion from page one. The reader will discover throughout the book that God is working in the lives of the characters, even though each fights Him and His Will. As in all of her books, Kim's talent for writing believable and realistic characters is never lacking. Each time I was forced to put the book down, the characters and their struggles lingered in my mind, until I could return to their world.

Each character discovers that belonging and self worth are only found in the One that can offer eternity, rather than the temporary of this world.

Pick up a copy of When Grace Sings and discover, as Alexa, Briley, Anna-Grace and Steven do that at the moment we surrender to the Father, that is the moment when grace sings and lives are made anew.

Kim Vogel Sawyer is a best-selling author highly acclaimed for her gentle stories of hope. More than one million copies of her books are currently in print and have garnered awards including the ACFW Carol Award, the Inspirational Readers Choice Award, and the Gayle Wilson Award of Excellence. Kim lives in central Kansas with her husband, Don, and their four feline companions. She enjoys spending time with her three daughters and grandchildren.

Saturday, March 7, 2015


On the surface, nothing seems to change in this dull town-yet God always works beneath the surface. As a child, Ruthie was shunned by the local congregation after a scandal involving her parents.
Thirteen years later, her interest in an attractive single minister is bitterly opposed - unearthing a string of secrets which threaten to turn the church, the town, and her world upside down.
Plunging deep into the waters of shame, forgiveness, and restoration, Varina Denman's contemporary novel will resonate with every woman who's experienced a loss of heart...and a thirst for hope.

Come venture with me to Trapp, Texas and meet Ruthie.   Ruthie’s walk has never been easy.  She has lived under the pallor of the town’s judgment for most of her life.  She finds it easier to “hide” in the shadows, than to “live” in the light.  Her experiences with “God’s Judgment”, rather than His Grace, cause her to be skeptical of those that espouse belief in the God of the church.  Until one day, when her world is turned upside down with the arrival of a new family in town.  Can she trust these new comers?  Can she trust her feelings around them?  Can she trust the God they love and serve?

Varina Denman weaves this wonderful tale of a hidden dream and desire to be accepted by the town she has called home, all of her life.  She brings the readers into the mind and feelings of Ruthie, a young woman,  that has been rejected by the congregation of her childhood church and friends.  A rejection caused by a supposed sin that was not of her doing.  

Through the eyes, ears and other senses of Ruthie, Varina brings not only the sights, but sounds and smells of Trapp, Texas alive. She spins a story that will keep the reader enthralled and engaged.  As I read, Jaded, I had the great pleasure of walking the streets of the small Texas town.  Once I had entered Trapp, I had no desire to leave.

The next time you are searching for an escape from your daily grind, pick up a copy of Jaded and travel to Trapp, Texas.  I guarantee you won’t be disappointed.

Varina Denman writes stories about the unique struggles women face. She has five children, teaches creative writing and literature, volunteers in her local homeschool cooperative, and boasts sixteen years as a home educator. She resides with her family in North Texas. Her first novel, Jaded, won the 2013 ACFW Genesis Award.

Twitter: @varinadenman

Monday, October 13, 2014


When Mercy Rains 
The Zimmerman Restoration Trilogy, Book 1
By Kim Vogel Sawyer

She left, heavily weighted with secrets.  But God reveals all things, in His timing.  And He redeems them.

Suzanne Zimmerman was only seventeen and pregnant when her shamed mother quietly sent her away from the Old Order Menonnite community in Kansas.  With her old home, family, and first love firmly behind her, Suzanne moved to Indiana, became a nurse, and raised a daughter, Alexa, on her own.

Now nearly twenty years later, an unexpected letter arrives form Kansas.  Her brother asks her to bring her nursing abilities home and care for their ailing mother.  His request requires that Suzanne face a strict faith community and a family that may not have forgiven her.  It also means seeing Paul Aldrich, her first love.

Paul, widowed with an eight-year-old son, is relieved to see Suzanne again and to have the chance to beg her forgiveness for his past indiscretion.  But when he meets Alexa, his guilt flickers in the glare of Suzanne’s prolonged secret–one that changes everything.

Suzanne had let go of any expectation for forgiveness long ago.  Does she dare hope in mercy–and how will her uncovered past affect the people she loves the most?

As I read When Mercy Rains, I was deeply moved by the characters’ thoughts, feelings and actions.   I could actually feel their sorrow, fright and joy.   The storytelling and descriptions, as only Kim Vogel Sawyer can do, carried me into the world of the characters.  In fact, during those moments when it was necessary for me to “leave” Arborville to return to my life, I would anxiously await my next visit to the Zimmerman farm and anticipate reconnecting with my “new friends.”  There were times, although I had put the book down, when the characters and their struggles would stay with me, well into the night and the next day.

In her ever present style of clearly human and relatable characters, Kim weaves a tale of suffering souls searching and finding the ever present WELL of forgiveness from the One who has always known their hearts and has always loved them.  Through His Grace and Mercy, they are able to discover the same forgiveness for themselves and within themselves.  Kim’s characters  show us life, as we live it, and the truth of how we can come to the Throne of God and find the Grace we all need.   It is a true testament  to Kim’s abilities, as an author, to create such  endearing and realistic characters. Friends that become part of your heart that you take with you, wherever you go.  

I would suggest that anyone who is a fan of books that offer  readers a chance to feel, live, and connect with its characters, even for a little while, to pick up Kim’s book, When Mercy Rains, and experience, as the characters did “A mercy rain. . . [and learn that] . . .when mercy rains, lives become fresh and new.” 

Kim Vogel Sawyer is a best-selling author highly acclaimed for her gentle stories of hope.  More than one million copies of her books are currently in print.  She lives in central Kansas where she and her retired military husband, Don, enjoy spoiling their granddarlings

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Days of Messiah--Volume Two The Messiah's Sings

Today, we welcome, Amber Schamel, author of Days of Messiah, Volume Two of her Biblical Chronicle--The Messiah's Sign and a fun Name-a-Character giveaway.

Thanks for joining us today, Amber.

Amber is a bestselling author, who writes riveting stories that bring HIStory to life. She has a passion for history, books and her Savior. This combination results in what her readers call "historical fiction at its finest". A homeschool graduate from a family of 12 children, Amber found her calling early in life. First published at age 21, she has continued to hone her craft. Between ministry, family and working in their family businesses, Amber loves to connect with readers. Find her on the Stitches Thru Time blog, or on any of the major social media sites. 

Amber, can you tell us about your new release, The Messiah's Sign?
The Messiah's Sign is the second book in the Days of Messiah series. It follows the storyline of Book One, but from the husband's point of view. Here's what it's about:

Dreams…they shouldn’t bother him, but when Tyrus’ worst nightmare is vindicated, he has no choice but to face reality. His wife has been unfaithful, and God has punished her with the most feared disease in the land: leprosy. Banishing her to the leper colony, Tyrus struggles to raise their son alone and protect him from a merciless outlaw. But when Malon begins following the teacher from Nazareth, what remains of their business and reputation is at stake. Can Tyrus save his son from the beguiling lies of a false Messiah before he loses the only thing he has left?

The book releases on October 16th, so be sure to add it to your To-Read list on Goodreads!

Sounds like a great read, what sparked this story?
Book one started as a short story, but a lot of people told me I should expand it. I picked up the story and began thinking about what the entire story would be like, and that's when the Lord drew back the curtain to show me not only Aaliyah's story at the leper colony, but also the story of her husband and son. Tyrus—as the heartless husband that banishes Aaliyah to the leper colony—is the villain of book one, so I wanted to show readers his side of the story.

Is there any particular message you wish readers to take away from The Messiah's Sign?
As hard as you try, you will never be sufficient on your own. It takes Christ working in you.
For those that have read volume one, I want them to realize that you cannot hate someone until you de-humanize them. The villain of book one becomes the hero of book two, and we see the motivations behind his 'heartless' acts. In truth, Tyrus was doing the best he could. If we can empathize with people in our lives, it will go a LONG way in keeping the roots of bitterness at bay.

Great message.  What's your favorite genre in which to read?
The same one I write, Christian Historical. But I recently read a Christian cozy mystery that I enjoyed very much. It was The Jane Austen Encounter by Donna F. Crow. It's the first cozy mystery I've read. I might have found a new genre! Actually, I might have found two...cozy mysteries and Jane Austen based fiction. Lol.

I really enjoyed reading Austen's work and just finished Just Jane, by Nancy Moser.  I will have to check out the cozy mysteries.  Tell us a bit about your family, I know you grew up in a large family, how has that effected your writing?
Obviously growing up in a big family, with a job and a ministry, puts limits on the time I have to spend writing. But honestly, growing up in a big family has benefited me in many, many ways. I have had lots of experience telling stories, I have TONS of story fodder, a lot more people to base characters on, lots of people to observe, emotions to learn from, and on and on. Growing up in a large family has also helped me with public speaking, because it's public speaking every time I ask "please pass the salt."

Sounds like a great way to grow up.  Tell us, do you have a favorite writer?
I really enjoy Susan J. Reinhardt, Max Lucado, Julie Klassen and Francine Rivers.

Those are some of my favorites, as well, especially Max.  If you had to come up with a book title to describe your life, what would it be?
Wow, that is a great question! I'm going to start using that one too. ;)
It would either be "But for the Grace of God" or "The Only Thing That's Good in Me is Jesus."

I think I might have to steal those titles for my own life.  However, I have always thought, mine would be "I Can't Even Walk, without Holding Your Hand" or maybe "Precious Lord, Take My Hand."  So tell us, what is you are working on next?
I am finishing up a really fun series with three other historical authors on the signers of the Declaration of Independence.
I'm also setting to work on a Christmas story set during the Civil War entitled The Christmas Pardon.
In the aftermath of the Civil War, a young lawyer battles with the U.S. Supreme court. In what seemed to be a Christmas miracle, he had secured a pardon for his friend from Lincoln himself. The army executed the boy anyway. On the fifteenth anniversary of his death, will the lawyer finally clear his friends name and bring justice to his memory?

I'm running a giveaway for a fan to pick the name of my two main characters! You can enter the giveaway here:

Again, Amber, Thank you for joining us today.  We truly enjoyed your visit.  Feel free to stop by any time.
Thank you for hosting me! It's been a pleasure. I'd like to invite each of you to join me in celebrating my new release with the Name-A-Character Giveaway! Enter to for a chance to pick the name of a main character in Amber's upcoming book The Christmas Pardon. Terms and conditions apply.

In the aftermath of the Civil War, a young lawyer battles with the U.S. Supreme court. In what seemed to be a Christmas miracle, he had secured a pardon for his friend from Lincoln himself. The army executed the boy anyway. On the fifteenth anniversary of his death, will the lawyer finally clear his friends name and bring justice to his memory?

Amber, I can't wait to read this one.  As a lawyer and lover of all things Lincoln, Civil War and law related, it certainly sparks my interest.  I will certainly try to "name" your unnamed character.